
Sunday, February 19, 2012

weekend update

Wow. It's been awhile since I posted last. Well, we've had various degrees of sickness coming through our house, including (but not limited to) the stomach flu. Awesome. I suppose the only thing keeping us from being true parents now is a trip to the emergency room. Luckily we all recovered quickly, and none of us had it at the same time. That would have been really miserable.

Anywho. Grace is now 18 months old and is constantly surprising us with the new things she's learning. We just started teaching her the alphabet song, and if she's in the singing mood, she can do about half of it. So cute to watch her emphasize her letters. She also has developed a bit of a sassy attitude, which is not so cute. It seems to me that I get the brunt of this attitude, which I guess is just preparing me for her teenage years. Gotta look on the bright side, right?

We've been enjoying a relatively quiet weekend. I'm trying to soak it up while I can, because it always seems that things really pick up in the spring. Joe and I are cleaning out our Valentine's Day chocolate stash just in time for Lent, and we're excited to watch the season finale of Downton Abbey tonight. I turned it on a few weeks ago after it was recommended on Netflix, and we just blew right through both seasons so we can watch it when it airs. Is anyone else watching?? I'm freaking out a little bit about tonight's episode! For any fellow fans who want a laugh, check this out.

And for any Catholics who want something to read that doesn't concern the HHS mandate (and also want a laugh), here's something for you. (along the lines of the Ryan Gosling meme that is taking over Pinterest)

Since I haven't posted any pictures in forever, I thought I'd make up for lost time now. Family who lives far away (Papa and Grandma & Grandpa Weber, I'm talking to you), you're welcome.

she only wants to eat with her Elmo fork

cooking at her awesome kitchen

this one's for you, Aunt Kristi

reading her current favorite, The Jungle Book

Daddy's little Packers fan... there's always next season!

all dressed for church. so cute.

she wanted to wear all the bibs. 

after a rough night of not sleeping. also cute.

she loves to rock in this chair and recently learned to climb into it

my sister had some fun while she was here

"up pwease!"

new haircut.

bibs again this morning.

1 comment:

  1. How cute is your little girl!? The bib picture is just about over the top :) I am your newest follower too! Excited to read more!


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