1. It's finally winter here in the midwest. We woke up Friday to a lovely blanket of snow and declared a snow day, complete with sweats, comfort food, hot cocoa, and shoveling. Okay, so the shoveling wasn't exactly fun. However, for the first year ever, I can be extra grateful that I get to park in a garage and not have to scrape off my car. What a blessing!
2. Grace has been a dancing machine ever since my cousin's wedding in early December. I'm pretty sure she asks us to turn on music every single day. It makes us laugh to see all of her awesome moves. I'm thinking dance lessons will be in her future. :)
3. She also has this fixation with the vacuum. Has anyone else's kids had one? She asks about it, oh, maybe 397024 times per day. It's a mixture of fear and awe, because she doesn't really like to get too close to it, even when it's off.
4. Other favorite new pastime: her play kitchen. We scored an amazing deal on a kitchen and got her a little tea set to go with it. Every morning, one of the first words out of her mouth is "cook." And as a bonus, it holds her attention for more than 5 seconds. Now I just need to get some play food and we'll be good to go.
5. I joined a local mom's group last year and this year I signed up to help plan our special events days. Basically, we're the party planning committee. Our next event is coming up, and I can't wait! We're having local businesses come in to help us pamper all the mamas for a spa day! We're having fun planning the morning to make it as special as we can for everyone.
6. My sister is still visiting, thanks to the snowy/icy weather and a flat tire on her car. We're enjoying the extra time together and we're squeezing in some crafts while Grace naps. Hopefully we'll get a chance to get them finished soon! And if I'm really on the ball, I'll remember to charge my camera battery and snap a few photos of them soon. (If they're successful, that is!)
Happy Monday!
linking up with Carissa-
Awww, I wanna come visit! What fun all you girls must be having...in fact, I think Joe should swap places with me for a few days: we've got plenty of men up here!