
Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 in 12

Dwija had the genius idea for a year-in-review style linkup, and since I'm always looking for blog ideas that require minimum amounts of creativity/effort on my part, I simply couldn't pass up this golden opportunity. And so, without further ado, here's a few snaps of what my year looked like:

My baby still had a pacifier
My sister stayed with us for about a month, and did things like this
Joe ran his first 10k and got a medal
Easter in Ohio with all G's aunts and uncles
going for a walk at Papa's house when everything was green
enjoyed a week in sunny FL with the Weber siblings
laid low thanks to morning sickness. Grace got a booster seat
more laying low. G is too big for her baby's bed.
2 days before my best friend got married!
first family movie night
annual cookie decorating at Grandma Jane's
all smiles on Christmas morning
For more fun year-end photo summaries that have much less Grace, go check out Dweej's page.

Hope the first three days of 2013 have been nice to you. Happy New Year!


  1. Love to see these babies grow over the year. So beautiful :)

  2. What a fun year! Were you on Florida's Gulf Coast by ay chance? I call home the Pensacola/Destin/Panama City stretch of the panhandle. Miss it so much.


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