
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas from my family to yours -- video post!

I meant to get this posted before today... but then was busy doing Christmas things like going to Mass and eating, so... here you go. Some of you may have seen this, but hopefully if you had problems loading it before this will work better (if you did have problems, pretty please let me know so we can fix them!).

We (and by we I definitely mean Joe) made this video for all of our out of town family and friends... sort of a virtual Christmas card with a little more personality than our mailed card. Hope you enjoy, compliments are always welcome! :)

Merry Christmas from the Weber family, and may your hearts be filled with all the hope and joy that the Christ child brings!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA! That was so freaking adorable!! What a sweet girl she is!


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