
Tuesday, February 28, 2012


You know those days when you want to just rewind to start over or fast forward just so it's over. Yeah. It's one of those. My washing machine is currently out of commission, I was awakened earlier than usual by a wet toddler sitting on a soaking wet sheet (which I can't wash...) and the new allergy medicine I am trying on for size in order to get rid of my week-long sinus headache is making me feel weird and woozy.

I know. Like my life is so terrible. First world problems much?

I was giving myself a hard time for not doing much past the basic necessities for Grace and myself this morning when I gave myself a little pep talk in order to snap out of my funk. I self-diagnosed myself with a pesky lingering-into-Tuesday-case of the Mondays (a less scientific cousin to Seasonal Affective Disorder? perhaps), and prescribed myself a shower, a fresh outfit, perfume (because it's Tuesday, if for no other reason), some Michael Buble, and peppermint tea. The snapping out of it is coming along, a bit slowly, but it's there. Maybe it's just another symptom of my newly drug-induced state (ha!) but hopefully I'll feel like myself by, oh, 8 pm or so.

In all seriousness, I have been more conscious of the blessing of a working washing machine. Funny how much you miss things when you don't have them anymore. Luckily, it should be an easy fix, according to the people at the appliance store from which my washer was purchased. They think a sock or something was sucked into the pump- not surprising considering the minuscule size and sheer quantity of Grace's socks. We shall see.

Ciao, friends. Hope you all are having a wonderful day, with nothing worse than silly, petty first world problems to dampen your day. (If you do, come over and I'll make you some tea.)

1 comment:

  1. Michael Buble is amazing. His singing is magic for the soul.

    Two years ago I washed a bobby pin and it got stuck in the pump. Most expensive bobby pin ever!!

    Hope your day gets better cuz! :)


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