So I realize I'm a little behind the curve, but I recently discovered pinterest, and my life has never been the same. It's been fun to discover and share fashion inspiration, new recipes, and craft ideas. If you're in the dark, it's a website that basically bookmarks photos from all over the web, and allows you to organize them into virtual bulletin boards. The crafts are probably what I'm most excited about, especially since I like finding new things to do with/for Grace. Aaaaand since her birthday is next week (how is that possible?!), I am looking for party ideas. We don't plan to go all out for that (it's not like she'll remember it anyway) but I've come to realize that all holidays and celebrations are much more fun with a kid to share them with! Anyway, I've seen some new familiar faces joining pinterest lately, but there's always room for more! (I'm looking at you, Justine!)
On a completely unrelated note, my mission to turn Grace into a lover of the written word must be working thus far. This week, she started bringing me her books so I can read them to her. Now if we can just work on her attention span so she doesn't walk away before page 2...
Thanks for sharing your addiction! I am now addicted to that and stumbling, I can hardly get any work done! :)