
Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Big ONE!

One year ago today Joe and I welcomed the most beautiful little girl into our lives. It seems so long ago that we were in the hospital just getting to know each other, but it's gone so fast at the same time. Where has the last year gone? Sometimes I think that time is going too quickly, and I just want her to stay a baby forever (rational, I know) but then I remember that each age is more fun than the last, and I'm just so excited for what is to come.

One year ago today!

First family photo!

when you still slept on your back. that didn't last long. 
Grace, you are such a joy! Your little antics make your daddy and me laugh every day. You love clapping, especially for yourself. You dance when you hear music, especially if it's to Elmo's song. You now point at pictures and try to ask, "Who's that?" because we ask you all the time. It cracks me up when you carry things around in your mouth like a little puppy. You are getting better at walking every day. You are also something of a climber, so we have to watch you more than ever. I love that you bring us books to read to you now. I also love that you're about a million kazillion times better about nap time than you were last month. We can see that you're just soaking up everything around you; you're constantly learning something new. Every single day with you is a treat, and I feel so blessed that I can stay home with you and enjoy you. Thank you for making this past year the most blessed one in your dad's and my lives.

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