
Friday, July 15, 2011

Feeling Hot Hot Hot!

After a very late start, summer has finally arrived with a vengeance. Here in the midwest, we are under a heat warning until Wednesday. Awesome. I'm thinking a visit to the pool is in our near future.  In an effort to beat the sweltering heat, here are a couple of fun summery images to make you thirsty help think cool thoughts. 

via pinterest

via Laura's Best Recipes

via pinterest

If anyone wants to surprise me with this, I would be totally okay with that. Just sayin'.

via pottery barn
Also, I feel morally obligated to share that Sunday, July 17th, is National Ice Cream Day. You know, in case you're like me and need another reason (as if the triple-digit heat index weren't enough) to indulge your sweet tooth at your closest Dairy Queen. Happy celebrating!


  1. 1.) That did make me thirsty.
    2.) Ice cream = heck yes. Need to recognize this holiday for sure.
    3.) Now I'm hungry...

  2. I celebrated ice cream day! And I like the middle picture the best. Yum!


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